Is single parenthood easier?

Is single parenthood easier?

SINGLE MOTHERHOOD IS EASIER I am sitting with my friend Annabel having dinner together, our eldest sons, hers aged 13, mine15, are at the table. They are talking away to each other discussing the latest films to come out. Annabel and I are watching them. Then Annabel...


Imagine this scenario; your best friend, your best friend in the whole wide world, someone you have loved and cherished for quite some time, suddenly has a massive stroke of good fortune. How would you feel? There you have both been, coping with life’s ups and downs,...


Sisters. Sisters. There were never such devoted sisters. That’s how the Irving Berlin songs goes and, when I was little, I remember sitting on the sofa, watching White Christmas, and gazing up adoringly at my older sister Nicola and thinking that song was written...